PlusPTT Management Panel is a web application where management operations such as channel, user, group creation and user authorizations are performed.

- The servers of the authorized dispatchers are listed here. Server, Recording and Geofencing expire dates can be verified on this screen.
- The information of the operators authorized to the relevant server can be viewed on the screen opened by clicking the 'Dispatchers' button. It is possible to add new Dispatch users and edit the information of existing users.

- Dispatchers can list channels, create new channels, and delete existing channels on this screen. They can also enable or disable the recording module of the relevant channels.

- On this screen, the operator can add, edit and delete users.
- All channels and users can be viewed on this screen. Users can be assigned to channels, channels can be assigned to users.
- Operator can make multiple user authorizations.

- Talk groups can be created on this screen. When users are added to these groups, previously defined authorizations are automatically reflected to the users.